The most important benefit of home tuition is that your child will get a focused and full attention from the tutor. All the tutor's focus will be on your child, and they will try to correct your child's academic shortcomings. Interaction will also become easier as the student will not hesitate to ask questions as they are in a safe environment. When your child is studying 1-to 1, they will not feel shy about opening up to the tutor, which creates a healthy learning relationship. Because of this, your child will learn better and do much better in school.
The best part about having home tuition is that you get to participate in your child's academic life. The tutor will help you understand the progress of your child and what they require to do well in school. You can communicate to the home tutor whenever you like, and both of you can work together to create the best learning environment for the child. Of course, the key is to create a learning space that will encourage the child and tutor to study in that space.
3. Flexibility In Scheduling And Location
Do you want your child to study at their own schedule and place that they feel comfortable? If you do, then home tuition is the best choice because you get to decide everything. You can adjust the timings and other arrangements that suit your child and their learning pace. While this may sound trivial, it is important if your child has commitments other than school. For example, if your child also takes part in a lot of CCAs, then they will need someone to accomodate their timings. That is why flexibility in scheduling is one of the most important benefits you can reap from home tuition, especially if your child has a tight schedule.
4. Suited to your child's style
Home tutors know that they have to cater to the unique needs and requirements of the student. That is why they will spend the first few days understanding how your child responds to different learning styles. Once they have the answer, the tutor will create a studying routine that will enhance the child’s learning as it will be suited to their style. After all, children learn in different ways, as some are visual learners, auditory learners, a mix, or more. Your child will also respond well to this style, and it will help them understand concepts better than they do in school. That is where home tutoring comes in. Such tutors are experts at what they do, and they will spend time understanding how your child learns so that they can teach according to this style. In the long run, it will help your child to retain more information and get excellent grades in no time.
5. Save Commute Money and Time
Commuting long distances adds to your cost and time, which you can save by opting for home tuition. Of course, the tutor will come to you, and you will save your time and money. Besides that, if the child is commuting long distances to the school and tuition, then it will drain their energy and hinder their learning. Instead, they can stay home and wait for the tutor to show up and teach. It will allow the student to have some time at home that they can use to conserve their energy for home tutoring.
6. Improvement In Grades
You will definitely see an improvement in your child's results if you opt for home tuition. By receiving personalized and undivided attention from the tutor, your child's academic shortcomings are fulfilled in the best way possible. Even if they are lagging behind in school, the home tutor can help them catch up on what they fall short of. Of course, the improvement will not come in a day, as your child has to be consistent to learn well. In the long run, all our students will see an improvent in their grades.
7. Affordability
Many parents perceive that private home tuition is expensive. However, this myth should be debunked. There are definitely private tutors that charge a high rate, but there are many that won't cost an arm and a leg! You have the freedom to select the tutor based on your budget. Find one that suits your budget so that you don't end up depleting your money or savings on expensive tutoring. Our agency will help you negotiate the rates to mutual agreement between both parties.
8. Individual Preferences
Of course, when you opt for private home tuition, you also have the freedom to select the right tutor according to your preferences and needs. You can go through various tutors and change them until you find one that suits your child's learning style in the best way. As compared to say tuition centers where they will hire the tutor so you are basically stuck with them.
9. Personalized Learning Materials
The home tutor will spend the first few days assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your child. Once they have evaluated your child's pain points, the tutor will devise a study schedule that will strengthen the weak areas of the student. A home tutor will customize the notes and materials according to what your child needs to improve. They will ensure that your child overcomes all their academic challenges so that they can thrive in no time.
10. Expertise In Their Subjects
Private home tutors are experts at what they teach, which is why you will receive a complete solution for what your child needs. They possess relevant exam papers, notes and assessments that you will normally won't be able to find easily. Besides that, their expertise means they have shortcuts and good explanation skills to quickly solve difficult questions. You can check this through the qualifications they have and the reviews that other parents have to give to the tutor. These things will help you decide whether they are the right fit for your child.